One other change - one of our current subscriptions, Journal of In-Service Education has changed title and is now called Professional Development in Education and is shelved accordingly.
"complex histories, present disturbances, and imagined futures...the rhetorics of progress and catastrophe, apocalypse and utopia, millenarianism and anti-millenarianism, in Irish culture from the early modern period to the twenty-first century."
Elizabeth Butler Cullingford - Catholicism in Crisis: Representing the Abuse Scandals in Ireland and Irish-America (June 18)
Declan Kiberd - After Ireland: The Death of a National Literature? (June 25)
Paul Bové - Misprisions of Utopia—Messianism, Apocalypse, and Allegory (July 2)
The prize is the richest literary award in the world. Its nomination process is unique as nominations are made by selected libraries in capital and major cities throughout the world. For more information on the award and a list of the nominees visit http://www.impacdublinaward.ie/index.htm.
"Dance there upon the shore
What need have you to care
For wind or water's roar?"