For the start of the new term the Library is running
Information and Academic Skills Week (January 23-27) with events and training sessions for students. Have a look below at what's on offer:
1) Academic Writing Skills Workshop
12 noon, Wednesday, 25th January in E201:
Writing consultant
Lawrence Cleary from the
Regional Writing Centre in University of Limerick will give a workshop on academic writing to all interested students. This event is presented in association with the Teaching and Learning Committee. All are welcome so make sure not to miss it!
2) One-to-one sessions
All week, at whatever level or area suits your needs:
- Where to start
- develop a search strategy
- find what you need in the Library
- search the Catalogue
- save searches
- locate books/journals
- Using the internet for academic purposes
- find online journals
- search the Library’s academic databases
- use other subject gateways and search engines
- use Google Scholar
- set up alerts/RSS feeds
- get updates on new research in your area
- Give credit where credit is due
- cite sources correctly and build your reference list
- use Turnitin to check you have referenced properly
- basic Refworks for beginners
- advanced Refworks (write'n'cite for in-text citation, formatting your paper and bibliography, and using Refshare for group projects and sharing references with others).
Just call to the Library or
email us with details of what you want to cover in your session and we will set up an appointment for you with one of our SÍOL team.
3) Complete Our Survey
Finally, we'd ask you to help us improve our service by completing a
quick online survey. This will help ensure that future events and training are tailored to YOUR needs!