Thursday, February 27, 2014


We strongly recommend you have a look at UCD Library’s new Irish language version of their excellent tutorial on Avoiding Plagiarism: Bradaíl: Seachain í thar aon rud eile!.

This is the first Irish language open educational resource (OER) plagiarism tutorial. All translation and narration was kindly provided by Bord na nGaeilge, UCD.

The tutorial can be viewed here in Irish and here in English.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Next week the College will celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge and the following week from 20-22 February it will host the conference Litríocht na Gaeilge ar fud an Domhain

So, to mark and salute both occasions, a display of Irish language literature and the world is taking up quite a bit of room in the Library foyer!

  Come visit and see!