Our UNESCO World Book Day event was held last night in E208, where illustrator PJ Lynch gave a wonderfully illuminating talk on his craft and a fascinating insight into the life of an artist.
While displaying a selection of his work ranging from his days as a student artist through to his various commissioned works and children's publications, PJ explained how his paintings evolve and progress from early drafts through to the final work.
He detailed the research he undertakes for book illustrations and spoke at length about his work on his most recent publication Lincoln and his Boys and the various aspects of Lincoln's life that informed his paintings. At the end he took questions from the floor before coming up to the Library along with the other attendees for a small reception and some book signing!
Our huge thanks to PJ for giving his time and sharing his work and expertise so generously, it made for captivating listening. Thanks also to everyone who came along on the night, both from the College and further afield. PJ thanks you all too on his own blog here!