Friday, October 23, 2009

SerialsSolutions Downtime

The SerialsSolutions journals resource will be unavailable from 5pm to 11pm on Saturday, October 24.

SerialsSolutions pulls all journals held across all of our (as well as DCU and Mater Dei's) online databases and organises them into a handy A-Z so you can quickly find if a particular journal is available online, along with archive details and a direct link to it.

A New Source(s) For Researchers

The National Library of Ireland (NLI) have launched a beta version of Sources, their new database for researchers on any aspects of Irish history, culture and politics.

The database enables searching of:
  • All NLI manuscripts catalogued up to the 1980s
  • Irish manuscripts in other libraries from the 1940s and 1970s
  • Content from over 150 journals up to 1969

It contains over 180,000 catalogue records for Irish manuscripts and articles. The records provide excellent bibliographic detail and info on how to access the item in the NLI or elsewhere. The records are fully indexed, allowing the user to search and navigate by subject also.

It's still in development, so there will be changes and additions over the next few weeks. In time it will include links to all the pdf NLI manuscript collection lists (such as the Redmond Papers, Sheehy-Skeffington Collection etc.) embedded within the records.

The official launch is due in November, but why not have peek at this beta version?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Missed Your Library Tour?

Any new students who did not attend or sign up for a Library Tour & Induction but feel they need to be shown the ropes should email the Information Desk at (or just ask for Ben or Ronan at the Information Desk). We'll get back to you with a suitable time in the coming weeks.

Bank Holiday

The Library will be closed on Monday, October 26 for the Bank Holiday. See our full October opening hours here.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Exam Papers Archive Updated

Exam papers for the 2008-09 academic year are now available (along with previous years) for students to read or print on the Exam Papers section on our website.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Maths Week Exhibition

To celebrate Maths Week 2009 (Oct 10-17) we are displaying a selection of posters, articles and books at the entrance to the main Library focusing on the fascinating science of fractals and fractal images.

Come up, have a look and find out everthing you need to know about the Dragon Curve (right), the Sierpinski Sieve and the Koch snowflake!

Maurice O'Reilly, Head of Mathematics Department has lots of links on his Maths Week webpage here and has written his own article explaining the ideas behind Koch's snowflake.

Our thanks to Maurice for his help in selecting and supplying the items for the exhibition.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Catalogue Maintenance Oct 12

The Library Catalogue will be unavailable on Monday, October 12 from 2pm approx. to allow for essential maintenance.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

Update: The Catalogue is now available again

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Students - You've Got (Library) Mail

New to the Library in 2009/10 : all students now have updates about any reservations they may have placed or any overdue books on their record sent straight to their College email account.

You can of course also check your full Library account details, as well as renew or reserve books from off-campus through the 'My Account' function on our Catalogue.
Simply enter your borrower number (i.e. your St. Pat's student number) and your 4-digit Library PIN (which you can obtain at the Library Issue Desk) and Bob's your Uncle.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Foilseacháin An Gúm

Tá cnúasacht, beagnach iomlán, sa Leabharlann de na haistriúcháin a deineadh sa Ghúm ó na daicheadaí i leith.

I measc na leabhar seo tá claisicí, mar shampla
Árda Wuthering (Emily Bronte) aistrithe ón mBéarla ag Seán ó Cíosáin; Ise (H.Rider Haggard) aistrithe ag Níall Ó Domhnaill; Mná Beaga (L.M. Alcott) aistrithe ag Nioclás Tóibín; Ivanhoe (Sir Walter Scott) aistrithe ag Seosamh Mac Grianna agus Filéad na Banríoghaine (Canon Sheehan) aistrithe ag Séamus Mac Gríanna nó "Máire".

Bhí taispeántas de na háistriúcháin seo sa Leabharlann i mbliana mar chuid de chúrsa a bhí ag micléinn sa 3ú bliain acadúil, cúrsa roghnach faoí stiúir Gearóidín Laighléis.

Inter-Library Loans - Three for Free!

Postgraduate students and staff of the College may be interested to know that they are entitled to three Inter-Library loans each academic year without any charge.

If there's a journal or book (or anything else within reason...) that you need for your research but can't find on our shelves, you may ask us to request it from another library on your behalf.

To do so, simply print and fill our ILL request form, sign it and hand it in at the Library Information desk. Unfortunately forms cannot be submitted online as we require a signature. Printed forms can also be obtained in the Library.

For more information check out the ILL section of our website.