Monday, October 24, 2011

New Digital Microfilm Readers

Students or staff viewing material on Microfilm or Microfiche can now do so on new digital reader printers.  The new machines (ScanPro 2000's) are situated beside the existing Microfilm readers in the journals section of the Library.

They allow added functionality for the user including the option to save images of the microfilm scans as pdf files.  This should reduce demand for printing, thereby saving the planet and your print credit in one go!

If you do wish to print, the system is the same as printing from any PC on the student network - no need for card readers.

The supplier video below gives a good overview of what they can do:

If you're using one for the first time just ask for assistance at the issue desk and one of our staff members will show you the ropes!

Our thanks to the Taught M.A. Programme Board for funding this purchase.